Thursday 6 June 2019

Reiki and Me

I had never imagined that Reiki would become my identity. People would know me as a Reiki healer.
I experienced the Magic of  Reiki 20 years back in 1999 to be precise January 1999. I and my husband had met with a life threatening accident. After around 10-12 days my mom got one my bhabhi and her 5-6  friends to the hospital for a Reiki session. They did group Reiki for my husband who was just shifted to the room from the ICU and was on traction with his right side immobile due to multiple fractures. After the Reiki session he could move his hand which he was unable to till then. And thus started my journey with Reiki.

After being discharged I went on to learn Reiki level 1. I practiced initially for 21 days on myself and then for 6 months on my husband daily. He was healing with each passing day and doing all those things which doctors had feared he might not be able to do. After that Reiki was practiced by me only for self, my husband and my kids. But one day my neighbor requested me to heal her husband as he was having a sprain from a few days and medicines have not helped much. She had seen me using Reiki on myself and family for small ailments and healing them without medicines. I was skeptical as I had never given Reiki to an outsider, but she insisted. I did the session, next morning his sprain was healed. After a few days she had a back pain and asked for Reiki healing from me and so I did a session for her. After seeing the positive impact on herself, she actually bullied me to learn level 2. I am in deep gratitude to her for pushing me to learn level 2. And then my journey with distance healing started with a few close friends. I kept practicing with self, family and these few close friends.

I once tried to go commercial with Reiki around 4 years back but didn't get any response. I had my own inhibitions about being a healer as to how I would be perceived, how family will react and so I went back to healing only self, family and few close friends.

But universe had other plans. Our visit to Babaji's caves on the Christmas day in 2018 and Sheru taking me to the lady who had a fall and I proactively offering Reiki healing about which I have mentioned in one of my earlier post, but for me it nothing more than that.  I still didn't understand the signal from the Universe that I was ready to become a healer.
And then exactly 20 years later in January 2019 my Reiki Master - my mom called me and said I need Reiki and please do the healing. That very moment my husband said Nilima this is a signal for you to step out of your comfort zone and heal the world. You are READY but i laughed it off and did the healing for my mom. Just as I finished my healing I got a call from an online friend with whom I had done an online fitness program asking about Reiki and she mentioned she will pay me. I didnt know what to say and just said I will do the healing for her.
From then there was no looking back.

And so here I am a Channel to heal one and all. Chosen one and the most blessed one. What more can I ask the Universe for!!

By Nilima Amit
Image Courtesy - Internet

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