Friday 14 December 2018

Jack of all trades... Master of none

This proverb has always intrigued me since childhood. I have felt hopeless many times in the past because of this proverb. If I didn't succeed in something as per my expectations I would curse myself saying how do you forget the proverb "Jack of all trades and Master of none". I would go bashing myself for knowing and learning too many skills. As a child, I would be sent by mom to lot of classes like art and craft, stitching, typing, painting, musical instrument, swimming, badminton, table tennis, rangoli, cooking and what not. My cousins and a few friends would always look down on me and say "You will be master of none and you wont be successful ever.". Its very surprising how negative words get tattooed in our brains but my moms positive words didn't .. she would say "these are skills and will never be a waste, they will come handy to you when you need it.". How I wish I should have focused more on her words rather than this very proverb and what my cousins and friends said.

Today I realize the importance and see the benefits of each and every class and skill I learnt has impacted my life and me. Its made me what I am today. I now firmly believe this proverb is not true. I do lot of things from life coaching, online business, reiki healer, volunteering at KMM and for visually challenged students, blogging to being a software professional along with being a full time mom and wife. I transition from one to the other with ease. All the skills I acquired have helped me to excel in each of them. I give my 100% to each and everything and the positive feedback I get keep me motivated to do better in each one of them.

There was a time in my life when only a 9-6 job would take all the energy out of me. I would feel I cant do anything other than this in life. My life is so hectic with office. But I was so wrong, there is always space and time to do whatever we like, for our passion, for all those things that give us satisfaction and contentment.

Make a list of all such things and start doing them. New doors will open, new opportunities will open, new people will walk into your life, you will grow and evolve into a beautiful being.. the way I have.. so will you.

Explore the gifts life has to offer and see life transforming into a musical melody with high and low notes and there is no looking back.... Life is beautiful, Embrace it.

Saturday 8 December 2018

Balance with a PAUSE

Yes you read it right... PAUSE... Ask your body and soul what it is wanting at that moment. Try to listen, acknowledge, understand and provide that to your soul and body. This is what I feel is the balance.

We all read and come across lot of inspirational and motivational quotes and articles 24x7.. thanks to globalization and social media. Terms like ME Time, Pushing your envelope, Going an extra mile are the in things. We all get inspired and try to emulate this in our lives. At times we succeed, get satisfaction and just love the experience and sometimes we get exhausted, feel irritable with this. Quiet natural and normal. We all try to be super-humans.. but we forget that we all are very unique in our own ways and need different things to nourish our body and soul at different times.

We read about how someone continued exercising or trekked in-spite of having a broken leg or a back. This truly inspires us but sometimes our body might not be ready to push that envelop and we need to listen and give our body the time to heal and be ready to achieve that. There are times we feel inspired by a cousin or neighbor or someone on social media who is doing everything at the same time working, cooking, doing social service, partying till late night and running a marathon the next morning. That's really commendable and we get inspired and want to follow it. But again the word which is important that is PAUSE . Ask will this really nourish and enrich my body and soul. How much of this will really make me happy and better. We all don't have to do everything.

I have been there.. gone through it and then realized I don't have to be a superhuman.. Just need to be a good human. I learnt to take a PAUSE and listen to my body and soul.. and give what they are longing for. It works wonders and gives the right BALANCE  required in our life. Our right balance need not be other persons right balance. So always look within. You will find your right balance and have a fulfilled, accomplished life now and forever.

Go ahead identify your PAUSE moments and strike the right BALANCE that is your own unique one. Have a PAUSED BALANCED Life and always stay happy and blessed. Love and Blessings.